Previous Keynote Speakers

Dame Jacinda Ardern GNZM
Prime Minister of New Zealand

Rt Hon Winston Peters
New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs

Dr Kurt M. Campbell
US National Security Coordinator for the Indo Pacific

Hon Fiamē Naomi Mata'afa
Samoa Deputy Prime Minister

Daniel Kritenbrink
United States AssistantSecretary of State

Hon Sitivini Rabuka
Prime Minister of Fiji

Hon Nanaia Mahuta
New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs

Max Boot
Historian & Commentator

NZIIA Conference 2023

Thursday 8 June 2023 | Pullman Hotel, Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland

With the key themes of Indo-Pacific Relations, International Economics, Indigenous Rights, and Climate Solutions, the NZIIA Conference 2023 brought together renowned experts from government, business, academia, and non-governmental organizations. Speakers from New Zealand and overseas discussed the most pressing issues in international affairs, with a focus on actionable solutions rather than just highlighting global problems.

Keynote addresses were delivered by prominent figures, including Hon Sitiveni Rabuka, Prime Minister of Fiji, and Hon Nanaia Mahuta, New Zealand’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, alongside speakers like historian and foreign policy analyst Max Boot, Daniel J. Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and Edward Carr, Deputy Editor of The Economist.

The 2023 conference attracted 300 attendees, including a strong representation from students and young professionals. The event generated significant social media engagement and was widely covered by national news media, further cementing its position as New Zealand’s premier event for international affairs.

NZIIA Conference 2021

With the key themes of Geopolitics, Sustainability, Geo-Economics and Inclusion, the NZIIA Conference 2021 brought together renowned thinkers and experts, Indo-Pacific speakers, members of the diplomatic community, government agencies and academics. But it also brought together more young people and businesses who may benefit from a broader understanding of the dynamics shaping the Indo-Pacific region.

The New Zealand Prime Minister provided a keynote foreign policy speech, joined by speakers from across New Zealand and overseas. Around 350 delegates attended, Nearly a third of attendees were students. The conference hastag ranked No 1 or 2 on New Zealand Twitter trends for most of the day, alongside considerable social media output. Television and print newsmedia attended, generating considerable national news coverage. 

View the 2021 conference videos here>.